Active ownership to private companies


Helix Partners is a Finnish investment company founded to make an impact on private company ownership and management. We are looking to acquire small and medium-sized companies in Finland and lead them to greater success.

We provide our target companies with strategic, managerial and operational guidance deriving from our own professional experiences and our network of seasoned advisors. We will take an operational responsibility when needed and provide an active ownership model.

Helix Partners operates without a predetermined investment period and may own a target company indefinitely.

We focus on value creation recognizing all stakeholders and devote our time to each target company for as long as we can make a positive impact.

We bring additional capabilities to our target companies

Investment focus

We seek to acquire a majority ownership in mature businesses with a proven and sustainable business model. Other desirable target company characteristics we are looking for are e.g.:

  • History of high-quality cash flows
  • Growing and non-cyclical market
  • Strong or niche position
  • Recurring revenue
  • EUR 5-20 million in revenue and EUR 1-3 million EBIT

Our core principle is to maintain the target company’s legacy and to build on it

We want to operate hands-on with our target companies and therefore can invest in companies facing a generational change or that are in other special situations where the current owner and top management want to exit.


Q-Katsastus Group

Q-Katsastus Group offers vehicle inspection services. The company is known for excellent customer service, good locations and affordable pricing. The company’s net sales amounted to ca. 4 million euros and EBITDA to ca. 1,1 million euros in 2019. The vehicle inspection stations employ ca. 30 inspection professionals in 5 cities across Finland. Helix Partners is a majority shareholder in the company.

Contact Us

Rafael Osmanov

Prior to Helix Partners, Rafael accumulated 10 years of professional experience in investment banking, audit and financial services.

He has worked on numerous M&A and capital market transactions across multiple industries advising clients on financial and strategic issues.

Rafael holds a MSc in Finance from the Aalto University School of Business.
